Evolution by sfpr // Album Review

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I'm going to start off with the album design because it is freaking awesome! The clean transparent packaging, strange cover art, and unique numbering system suits the overall mood of the album perfectly. It's simple and modern. Enough with the design complements, on with the album complements and complaints.

Maybe I should've introduced the artist first, sfpr. They are a duo made up of FZ and SG. Both play guitar and bass and do programming except FZ does vocals as well. They are under the same label as WITNESS, who is under the maximum10 label. They write all of their songs except apparently for track 7  21th Century (digital boy). Random fact...They collaborated with hitomi and that's pretty awesome.

Evolution is a solid electropop/rock album. If you like dubstep or electronic music but want a more accessible pop vibe, give this album a try. If you want to jam out to an awesome rock album with a techno twist, try give this album a try. It's not a life-changing album but it's great bgm or music for driving/commuting. The album begins with watershed, which is a strong start and a good representation of what you're in for. sfpr heavily uses autotune and it sounds so great with the electronic backtracks. But I personally love their instrumental songs. Con-trust "m" (evolver) has to be my favourite. The mixing is top-notch and a highlight of the album. Another personal taste is the placement of a ballad at the end of the album. everlong is a song that grew on me though the melody is somewhat plain and gimmicky.

There are some weaker songs, namely The blue that astronauts said and dimension. But after a couple rounds of the album, even the weaker songs seem to blend in with the stronger ones. The album becomes a clump of electro white noise goodness.

Recommended Track: folest of rist 
Too bad I can't find a source for Con-trust "m" (evolver). The guitar rift near the end of more light head right is so catchy that I want to recommend it too. 

Official Site: http://sfpr.jp/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9pTs3y5rr-ypFqV7I52HpA