A lot has happened within the month of my hiatus. Let me fill you in:
-First of all, I suddenly got no motivation to blog. While it's important to post consistently, I also want to cherish my blogging experience and release material on my own pace. Writing is a hobby I have to develop while blogging is a habit I have to develop.
-I'm moving countries! How exciting...and terrifying. Basically I'm moving to Japan. It's so surreal even I almost don't believe it. What an awesome feeling it is to be able to get the chance to attend concerts and music events of Japanese artists. Without a doubt, I'll blog about my outings and hopefully I'll discover some amazing underground artists while on my adventures.
-Graduating from university. When people tell me that it's a milestone and it should be celebrated, I don't really understand. Nothing particularly changes except for job hunting. One thing that surprised me is that graduation is a little more tedious than one can expect. Who knew there's so much paperwork even after you finish your last essay.
-Layout change. I finally changed the lookout of my blog after wanting to do so forever. It isn't quite at the level I envisioned and I'm still in the process of tweaking things like getting disqus to work and all that stuff. But at least, I got started!
2015 got off to a rocky start but here's to future great musical experiences!