Magic Man, contrary to my unexciting life, is an electronic pop duo who memorializes the wondrous adventures life offers into something tangible and eternal, music. After a bit of shuffling in their group members, Magic Man has reverted back to its original members: Alex Caplow and Sam Lee.
Still relatively young (only 5 years in the making!), their discography includes two albums and one EP. And even though I've only tasted a sample of what they have to offer, I can tell already that they are honestly great. Their lyrics are symbolic yet straightforward; their song titles, interesting yet familiar. Their songs are upbeat and vibrant. I could feel energy bubbling through my veins and images emerging in my mind while listening to their album, Before the Waves. Give them a listen, I'm sure they'll brighten up your day and help with your productivity before the waves of procrastination and idle time come crashing in.
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