Fullkawa Honpo is a former vocaloid producer and all-out brilliant musician. His career contains many experiences, jumping from a metal visual kei band in his youth to a diversified musician in the current. He's got 4 studio albums, tons of EPs, and a myriad of vocaloid tracks under his belt.
His music isn't the type to hit you at full force. You don't realize the exact moment the music has enwrapped you. His hushed vocals breathe in a fond mellowness while the lyrics breathe out a heavy coldness. I love the striking sadness behind the slow tempos and soft vocals.
(I'm) Home is my soundtrack for rainy days when I seem to be complementing about nothing and everything in particular. (Which happens often lately.) The first half of that EP on repeat sends me into a hollow daze, an introspective state.
One of the most intriguing things is Honpo and a couple others joined to make an independent label, Ballroom, with the intention to increase opportunities for online musicians. Their mission strikes a chord because everyone deserves a chance to be heard.
At the end of 2015, he revealed his desires to stop releasing under Fullkawa Honpo. He's come to an end with this self-titled project. Hopefully this implies the start of something new musically. Whether he's going to stay with Space Shower Music or move onto other things, I'll respect his wishes.
I'll treasure all the music he's given. It will be a shame if I didn't.
Fullkawa Honpo's Official Site // Space Shower Music Channel